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For People

"Part of my soul purpose is to support people on their spiritual awakening path as their consciousness expands. I support their healing and enhance their relationships with animals."

How I can help you on your journey...

I am able to connect with a human in spirit who may be a friend or relative who has passed over. I can then have a conversation to ask your questions and convey any messages they may want to share with you. This can be very powerful in assisting the grief process. In my experience, the soul has often been waiting patiently to have the opportunity to connect with you. 

I connect with your energetic body layers and soul and use a combination of healing modalities which may include energetic healing, Reiki, crystal therapy, sound therapy and essential oils to support your healing. 

As a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, I am fascinated with how pure 100% plant-based essential oils can support our various body systems and support us on many levels including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. After you complete and submit the comprehensive online Aromatherapy Consultation booking form (health questionnaire), I will contact you to discuss my recommendations. The cost of the essential oil blend will be determined on an individual basis.

It is a wonderful experience connecting to someone’s animal through an Animal Conversation session, and seeing the impact on the relationship as the human gains more knowledge and understanding about their animal. Please refer to the 'For Animals' section to find out more, and book a session. 

An Amazon #1 bestseller written to explain and demystify many of the unusual experiences and phenomena that people may encounter as they wake up to their spiritual purpose. I woke up when my clairvoyancy (gift of clear seeing) switched on. As I couldn’t find any resources or people to help me, I decided to write about my spiritual journey over the past 10 years as a guide to help others waking up to who they are and why they are here.  

An avenue to raise spiritual consciousness, and raise awareness about the beauty and uniqueness of the animal souls we share the planet with. I trust that my messages will be heard and shared to support raising of global consciousness about our spiritual journey, and about the importance and purpose of the animals we co-exist with. 

Mediumship Session

Investment $333

Booking a mediumship session provides an opportunity to connect with someone who has passed over (in spirit).

Through my work as a medium with humans and animals, I know that the soul endures. It does not matter how long the soul has been in spirit - the soul can be connected with and as long as they are willing to communicate, your questions can be asked and the answers relayed back to you. Often the soul will provide absolute confirmation that they are the soul that you want to communicate with. 

Having the opportunity to speak with your family member or friend in spirit can be very healing for your grief process particularly if they passed away suddenly and you didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. For your loved one in spirit, this can also be a very empowering time as it may be their first opportunity to directly send you messages, express their feelings and explain what happened at their passing or afterwards. From grandparents to the souls of babies who passed over during pregnancy, the opportunity to reconnect and understand the depth of love and the enduring love is a very special and healing experience. Although these conversations can be very emotional, it is such a relief to know that the soul endures, and that there is life after life.

To book your mediumship session, please complete the online booking form and attach a photo of the person whose soul you want me to connect with.

I will return your answers as soon as possible.

How I work

Mediumship Session

Distance Healing Support Session



Investment $333

Often we have issues in various layers of our energetic body, where something is not in balance with our emotional, mental or spiritual layers. If these issues are not dealt with, they can manifest as unusual physical symptoms. You can treat the symptoms, but unless you address the underlying cause, health issues can continue. As a Reiki Master, Crystal Therapist, Clinical Aromatherapist, Clairvoyant and Medium, I combine these modalities with sound therapy (singing bowls, Tibetan bells, voice) to support the healing process. 

After you complete and submit the online Healing Support booking form, I will confirm a session time for you so that you can relax and absorb the energies during your session. You may feel tingling, buzzing, a sensation of lightness, heat, air moving over you, or light touch during the session. I will tune in to what crystals and essential oils to use to support your healing. The energy will flow from me to you, no matter where you live.  My intent is healing for your highest good, for your physical, spiritual, emotional and mental energetic layers, wherever it is needed.

The session may take 60-90 minutes. 

Distnce Healing

Aromatherapy Consultation



Investment $222

I use 100% plant based essential oils to support healing. Particularly for people seeking natural healing support, aromatherapy provides an avenue to support healing through application of essential oils (usually through the soles of the feet) or inhalation (breathing in through the nostrils). The essential oils travel through our body cells quickly, and can support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues, relaxation, all of our body systems, and well-being.

As there are some safety precautions with using essential oils, you will need to complete and submit the online Aromatherapy Consultation Booking Form (Health Questionnaire) and I will contact you to discuss recommendations. Costs of individual essential oils blends will be added to the consultation fee and will vary depending on the number and costs of oils used. 

Annie Bourke - Evolving Hearts and Souls

Evolving Hearts & Souls

The Guide to Spiritual Awakening

#1 Amazon Best Seller


Out of the blue I started having visions of people from their early childhood, and into their future. I felt lost, and was out of my comfort zone as this was beyond my experience of normal reality. I had no idea of what was happening or why. No-one could help me, and I was unable to rationalise what was happening. Eventually I learnt that I was experiencing a spiritual awakening, and that my gift of clairvoyance had switched on.

I have been on an incredible journey of exploration since, learning about soul evolution, spiritual development, healing, and understanding why we are here.

If you've ever asked yourself the following questions, this book will help you as you experience your spiritual awakening:


  • What is happening to me ? Why ? Why now ?

  • Why am I here ?

  • What is missing from my life?

  • Why am I experiencing unusual phenomena - seeing things, hearing things, feeling things, or knowing things with no rational explanation?

  • Why am I meeting total strangers who I feel I already know?

Waking up to your spiritual being can be a very confronting and unsettling experience. My hope is that sharing my experiences will help you feel more confident and less stressed in navigating your spiritual awakening and spiritual growth journey.

Available in e-book and paperback.

Evolving Book


  • How can you hear animals talking?
    I have been a professional animal communicator and animal medium for a number of years, and have practiced continually with my animals, friends’ animals, animals in zoos, and animals in the wild. Once I connect telepathically, I can hear their individual voices in my head. If I can’t understand an answer, I ask them to rephrase it, or show me an image so that I can clearly understand what they are wanting me to tell their human. Sometimes I get shown series of images like a movie snippet to explain what is happening and what they want their human to understand. They all have individual voices and pitches and tone, like humans. I can hear when they are smiling, and have had them laugh and even sing to me!
  • What happens if my animal does not want to talk?
    To date, no domestic animals have refused to have a conversation. In the unlikely situation that your animal does not want to chat to me, your booking fee will be fully refunded.
  • What if I don’t have enough questions for the Animal Communication session?
    Ask the questions that you really want to know the answers to. Your animal may provide additional information that you may not have thought to ask about.
  • My animal passed over years ago. How can you connect?
    Although the physical body is no longer with us, the soul endures. I have spoken with so many animals in spirit who have confirmed that they are the soul their human wants to connect to. It’s a matter of connecting to their individual soul and energetic frequency. Having the photo of your animal helps me to know that I have connected to their soul.
  • I live overseas. How can you connect to my animal?
    As answered in the question above, it is a matter of connecting energetically to the soul of your animal wherever they are, living or passed over. I have connected to animals in Australia when I have been overseas, and have connected to animals living overseas from Australia. The telepathic communication is not affected by distance or geography, or whether the animal’s soul is in the physical plane with you or passed over in the spiritual plane.
  • What happens during an Animal Communication Session?(either Animal Conversation or Animal Mediumship)
    After receiving your questions and photo, I will connect with and introduce myself to your animal, and explain that you have some questions that you want me to ask on your behalf. Once I have their consent to have the conversation, I will ask your questions, and write down their responses, word for word. I will send you the responses to your questions, and any additional information that they particularly want you to know. Their understanding of the our language is impressive and they communicate from basic to very sophisticated levels. Animals speak the truth – they will say things exactly as they are. They understand everything that you tell them, and know what is going on with you.
  • Is it possible that my current animal has the soul of one of my previous animals?
    Yes, and this is a question that you can ask in your session for your animal to confirm. At least two of my cats have reincarnated in my current lifetime, and some have had past lives with me. I wasn’t aware of the reality of animal reincarnation until my cats let me experience it, and I wrote about it in my book “The Bridge to Animal Consciousness” to reassure others that their animal’s soul can come back. I have spoken with so many people who know that their animal’s soul has come back, and have spoken with so many animals who have confirmed that they have come back. They won’t be exactly the same soul, even if they look similar. Each time we have a life time on Earth as a human or an animal, we have lessons to learn. When we learn the lessons and pass over, our soul evolves. The soul who returns is at a higher evolved level (higher energetic frequency and carrying more wisdom). Not every animal we have in this lifetime reincarnates in our lifetime, but when they do, it is such a gift to have them sharing our life again. You may recognise physical traits, or behaviours or mannerisms and will definitely know if it is a previous animal that has returned to be with you again. A testament to the enduring nature of love.
  • Is it possible that my animal in spirit is visiting me in our house?
    Yes, and this is a question you can ask in your session. I’ve had my cats visit energetically and my other cats can sense when they do. So many people have told me that they can hear, see, feel or sense when their animal is visiting. Weight or pressure on the bed, seeing them running down the corridor, hearing them meow or bark – these are all common experiences of people who have animals in spirit. Your animals who are physically with you may look intently at apparently nothing when they sense your animal is there – they aren’t frightened or threatened – they recognise the soul energetically.
  • Is it possible that my animal is grieving for another animal family member who has passed away?
    Yes, and this is a question you can ask in your session. Animals feel grief and loss as humans do. They can experience significant separation anxiety and grief when one of their humans passes away, and they equally grieve and mourn the loss of their animal companions. This can result in behaviour changes as they adapt to the loss, and they may experience health issues relating to the trauma and grief. I have spoken with animals who have changed behaviour as their humans are grieving, and supported humans with practical ideas and healing support to assist their animal family who are grieving. If your animal needs assistance to process grief, I will advise you and provide suggestions to support them.
  • Is my animal uncomfortable with the dynamics in the house e.g. other animals, new animal, baby, new partner, change in work hours?"
    Animals are very sensitive to energy changes in their environment, and this is a question you can ask in your session. I have written about this in my book “The Bridge to Animal Consciousness” as these changes in the household can have a significant impact on your animals. Coming into a house as a new animal family member means the new animal has to integrate with the established animals and will no doubt get told about the pecking order and house rules from the senior animals. Having a young animal enter the household can be very stressful for the older animals who may not be as active and can’t run away and hide from them. A new baby coming home changes the amount of time for interaction with the humans, and their cries can be very disturbing for a timid animal. Having a new partner or visitor changes the routine – a new voice, new noises, different footsteps, different phone rings – all of these changes need to be adapted to over time. Changing your work hours can also have an impact when your animal family is used to a routine. If you are changing shifts, working longer hours, or travelling overnight for business- these will all change what normally happens in your animal’s day to day life, and they will show you that they are not thrilled with the changes !
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